Dupa pontul Clanului REA pe postul meu despre Opel Admiral in Romania, pot sa ve prezint un Opel Diplomat, in Giurgiu. Clar, inca sunt multe masini interesante de descoperit in tara! Ma intreb care e istoria acestei masini.
Folloing a tip-off from Clan REA on my post about the Opel Admiral in Romania, I can show you an Opel Diplomat in Giurgiu. Clearly, there are still many interesting vehicles to be found in Romania. I wonder what the history of this one was.
file din istoria auto în România --- fragments from Romania's automotive history
22 February 2011
21 February 2011
Skoda 1200 reloaded ...
Se pare ca nu numai Skoda 1200 furgon s-a folosit in Romania. Aceasta imagine arata o Skoda 1202 Furgon in centrul capitalei. Culoara e similara cu cea folosita de ITB, desi nu exista stema ITB pe portiera. O noua pagina la istoriei Skoda in Romania?
It seems that it was not only the van version of the Skoda 1200 which was used in Romania. This image shows, in the middle of Bucharest, a Skoda 1202 van. The colour is that of the ITB (bucharest transportation network), although the distinctive crest isn't on the door. A new page to Skoda's history in Romania?
It seems that it was not only the van version of the Skoda 1200 which was used in Romania. This image shows, in the middle of Bucharest, a Skoda 1202 van. The colour is that of the ITB (bucharest transportation network), although the distinctive crest isn't on the door. A new page to Skoda's history in Romania?
Masina antebelica in Deva 1973 / Pre-war car in Deva, 1973
O spendida carte postala, circulata in 1973, cu orasul Deva (judetul Hunedoara). Langa Dacia 1100 si TV-4, se vede una din multele masini antebelice care inca circulau la inceputul anilor 70. Clar este de fabricatie europeana si nu americana, desi e greu de stabilit exact ce ar putea fi: posibil Skoda Popular, Stoewer, Fiat, sau Praga Piccolo. Pe parcursul deceniului, cam toate aveau sa dispara, poporul, din ce in ce mai propser, cumparandu-si masini noi...
A splendid postcard circulated in 1937 showing Deva city in Hunedoara county. Visible next to the Dacia 1100 and the TV-4, there is a prewar car, one of the many still going strong in 1970s Romania. It's not clear exactly what it is: clearly of European origin, possibly Skoda Popular, Stoewer, Fiat, or Praga Piccolo. Over the course of the decade, practically all such vehicles would disappear from Romanian streets, as an increasingly propserous country bought new cars en masse.
A splendid postcard circulated in 1937 showing Deva city in Hunedoara county. Visible next to the Dacia 1100 and the TV-4, there is a prewar car, one of the many still going strong in 1970s Romania. It's not clear exactly what it is: clearly of European origin, possibly Skoda Popular, Stoewer, Fiat, or Praga Piccolo. Over the course of the decade, practically all such vehicles would disappear from Romanian streets, as an increasingly propserous country bought new cars en masse.
Prin Romania in mai 1976 / Travelling round Romania in May 1976
Inca un set de fotografii de vacanta...
Din punc de vedere automobilistic, cel mai interesant e poza in care apare spatele unei camionete Dacia 1302. Totusi, eu stiam ca avea tabla din spate cu riduri, ca la dubitele Citroen. Sa fie una din primele exemplare (modelul abia fusese introdus) care nu avea asa ceva? Sau sa fi fost reparat artizanal dupa un accident?
Alte masini interesante sunt Dacia 1300S (autosanitiara) la Patriarhie, si mictobuzele Irannational, proaspat introduse, la piata Sfatului din Brasov.
Facand abstractie de masini, ce frumos si curat arata Bucurestiul...
Another set of holiday snaps...
Most interestingly from an automotive point of view, in one of the photos the rear of a Dacia 1302 pick-up is visible. Yet the rear panels are not corrugated (a la Citroen vans) as one would expect them to be. Bearing in mind the model had only been introduced a few months previously, is this a very early model? Or simply one repaired inexpertly after a crash?
Also of interest is the Dacia 1300S (ambulance) by the Patriarchy, and the recently-introduced Irannational minibuses in Brasov.
And leaving aside cars for a minute - it's amazing how clean and civilised Bucharest looked!
Din punc de vedere automobilistic, cel mai interesant e poza in care apare spatele unei camionete Dacia 1302. Totusi, eu stiam ca avea tabla din spate cu riduri, ca la dubitele Citroen. Sa fie una din primele exemplare (modelul abia fusese introdus) care nu avea asa ceva? Sau sa fi fost reparat artizanal dupa un accident?
Alte masini interesante sunt Dacia 1300S (autosanitiara) la Patriarhie, si mictobuzele Irannational, proaspat introduse, la piata Sfatului din Brasov.
Facand abstractie de masini, ce frumos si curat arata Bucurestiul...
Another set of holiday snaps...
Most interestingly from an automotive point of view, in one of the photos the rear of a Dacia 1302 pick-up is visible. Yet the rear panels are not corrugated (a la Citroen vans) as one would expect them to be. Bearing in mind the model had only been introduced a few months previously, is this a very early model? Or simply one repaired inexpertly after a crash?
Also of interest is the Dacia 1300S (ambulance) by the Patriarchy, and the recently-introduced Irannational minibuses in Brasov.
And leaving aside cars for a minute - it's amazing how clean and civilised Bucharest looked!
20 February 2011
Sibiu 1941
O poza foarte frumoasa aratand Sibiul la inceputul anilor 40. De interes e, bine inteles, Fordul V8, foarte posibil fabricat la Bucuresti, cu nr 2-Sib, precum si sucursala Leonida vizibila in fundal. Stiu ca a existat un garaj Leonida si la Galati: oare unde alt-undeva au mai fost?
A very pretty photograph showing early 1940s Sibiu. Of interest is the Ford V8, very possibly made in Romania, registered 2-Sib, and the Leonida dealership in the background. I also know of one existing in Galati: were there many others?
A very pretty photograph showing early 1940s Sibiu. Of interest is the Ford V8, very possibly made in Romania, registered 2-Sib, and the Leonida dealership in the background. I also know of one existing in Galati: were there many others?
19 February 2011
Din Egipt cu dragoste / From Egypt with love
O imagine interbelica mai ciudata: un Ford V8 din 1937, proaspat sosit din Egipt, pe strazile unui oras in Romania, posibil Bucuresti dar greu de spus. Ce cauta in Romania probabil nu vom sti niciodata. Soferul arata militar. Recunoaste cineva locul?
An unusual image: a 1937 Ford V8, freshly arrived from Egypt, on the streats of a Romanian city, possibly Bucharest althought it's difficult to tell. Probably, we will never know what it was doing in Romania. The driver looks military. Does anyone recognise the place?
An unusual image: a 1937 Ford V8, freshly arrived from Egypt, on the streats of a Romanian city, possibly Bucharest althought it's difficult to tell. Probably, we will never know what it was doing in Romania. The driver looks military. Does anyone recognise the place?
Poza color cu TV-4 / TV-4 in colour
Imaginea e luata de pe filmul romanesc "Nu vreau sa ma insor", din 1960. Este usor una din cele mai bune poze care exista cu acest tip de masina, si una din numai trei imagini pe care le cunosc cu un TV-4 in color. In plus, se vede un exemplar foarte rar de numar de rodaj incepand cu W, stil folosit inca din anii 30. In film se vad alte masini care circulau in acea perioada, inclusiv Skoda Octavia (importata din 1958), Volga M21, taxiuri Pobeda M20, noile autobuze TV, si una din Skodele 1102 Kombi importate la inceptul anilor 50, practic primul import de automobilie in Romania dupa infiintarea republicii populare. Multumesc celor de pe forumul Transira pentru pont!
The image is taken from the 1960 Romanian film "I do not want to get married". Easily it is one of the best pictures I know of with this type of vehicle, now extinct; furthermore it is one of only three colour shots I know. Also visible is a very rare example of a trade plate beginning with W, a style used since the 1930s. In the film can be seen other cars of that period, including the Skoda Octavia, imported in Romania since 1958, Volga M21, Pobeda M20 taxis, the new TV city buses, and a Skoda 1102 Kombi of the type imported to Romania in the very eearly 50s, practically the first type of car to arrive since the establishment of a Communist state. Thanks to the Transira forum for the heads-up!
The image is taken from the 1960 Romanian film "I do not want to get married". Easily it is one of the best pictures I know of with this type of vehicle, now extinct; furthermore it is one of only three colour shots I know. Also visible is a very rare example of a trade plate beginning with W, a style used since the 1930s. In the film can be seen other cars of that period, including the Skoda Octavia, imported in Romania since 1958, Volga M21, Pobeda M20 taxis, the new TV city buses, and a Skoda 1102 Kombi of the type imported to Romania in the very eearly 50s, practically the first type of car to arrive since the establishment of a Communist state. Thanks to the Transira forum for the heads-up!