file din istoria auto în România --- fragments from Romania's automotive history
30 April 2012
Antebelica in Bucuresti, 1980 / Pre-war car in Bucharest, 1980
In cartea Bucuresti, vazut de un strain, o colectie de desene din Bucuresti facute de diplomatul danez Christian d'Auchamp, publicata in 1982, se vede aceasta antebelica. Desenele lui sunt realistice si se pot recunoaste Dacii, TV-uri, Skode, etc. , dar la capitolul antebelice e mai complicat. Inclin se cred ca e vorba de un Wanderer W23 de la sfarsitul anilor 30. Marca Wanderer era relativ raspandita in Romania, multe sosind imediat dupa razboi si unele fiind in stare de functionare chiar astazi.
In the book "Bucharest seen by a stranger", which is a collection of drawings of Bucharest by the Danish diplomat Christian d'Auchamp and published in 1982, this pre-war car can be seen. His drawings are accurate and one can recognise Dacias, TVs and Skodas - but with pre-war cars it's always trickier. I'd say rhis is a late Thirties Wanderer W23. Wanderers were relatively popular in Romania, many arriving after the War; some have survived in working order to this day.