Recent, casa de licitatii Artmark a expus aceasta fotografie, din 1936, aratand un picnic diplomatic la Snagov. Fotograful e Iosif Berman iar pretul e situat intre 70 si 120 Euro - exagerat, in parerea mea, chiar daca masina e ceva iesit din comun: un Auburn 852 Phaeton din 1936, o masina luxoasa si eleganta, dar din pacate ultimul Auburn produs, fabrica dand faliment in 1937. Ma intreb daca era una din masinile ambasadei americane, sau masina particulara a unui diplomat: inclin catre a doua optiune pentru ca masinile oficiale nu erau de obicei decapotabile.
Recently, the Artmark auction house exhibited this photograph, from 1936, showing a diplomatic picnic at Snagov. The photographer is Iosif Berman; the value is judged at being between 70 and 120 Euros - high, in my opinion, even if the car is something special: a Auburn 852 Phaeton from 1936, an elegant and luxurious car, but sadly the last model of Auburn produced before the factory's bankrupcy in 1937. I wonder if the car belonged to the American embassy or was a diplomat's private car; probably the latter, as I doubt a soft-top would have been used as an official vehicle.