In prima poza, un microbus TV "Tudor" recent descoperit in Marea Britanie. Exemplarul, in 1979, face partie dintr-o serie importata sub numele Tudor. Importul nu a mers bine si credeam ca ultimul "Tudor" e istorie de mult. Recent, totusi, a fost gasit acest remarcabil supravietuitor care a stat in aceeasi curte, nemiscat, din 1984! Din pacate, masina a disparut acum cateva luni, iar sursele spun ca nu catre maini bune. Ar fi trist daca dupa atatia ani, se topea. (In Marea Britanie mai exista un TV, in Scotia, dintr-o serie importata in 1975. Masina, in poza 2, e din pacate irrecuperabila.)
In pozele 3, 4, 5, si 6, ramasitele unui Portaro Pampas, din nou o masina crezita extincta in Marea Britanie. Portaro, un ARO 24 construit sub licenta in Portugalia, s-a vandut pe piata britanica la inceputul anilor 80. Acesta e probabil ultimul supravietuitor - din pacate, nu are vreun viitor. Macar in Portugalia inca mai circula cateva exemplare, unele chiar in stare excelenta.
Two discoveries from the UK - sad, but interesting.
In the first photo, a 1979 TV minibus from a short-lived series marketed in the UK under the name of "Tudor". Tudors were long thought to have vanished into the mists of history until this remarkable survivor turned up, having been parked on the same driveway since 1984! Sadly it vanished soon after this picture was taken - I'm told, not into good hands. It would be a shame if it were to disappear after making it so far. (Incidentally, this isn't the only TV in the UK. The red pick-up in photo 2, from a series of 1975 imports, is in Scotland. Sadly, it's beyond restoration.)
In photos 3 to 6, the remains of a Portaro Pampas, again previously thought extinct in the UK. The Portaro, an ARO 24 built under licence in Portugal, was sold on the British market in the early 1980s. This is in all probability the last one - sadly, with no future. On the bright side, there's still several in Portugal, some in excellent working order.
Ar merita salvate emblemele de pe Portaro
ReplyDeleteExista planuri sa se salveze mai mult decat emblemele...
ReplyDeletePORTARO - Portugal
ReplyDeletePORTARO - Portugal