23 July 2015

Accesorii Dacia, 1989 / Dacia accessories, 1989

Pentru piata britanica, modelele ARO-10 (= Dacia Duster) si Dacia 1304 (= Dacia Shifter) erau inzestrate cu fel de fel de accesorii unicate. Acestea erau ideea importatorului si se montau in Marea Britanie.

Mai exista numai doua exemplare Dacia Shifter, si poate 7-8 Dacia Duster - deci aproape sigur, aceste accesorii fac parte din seria "ce-am avut si ce-am pierdut", din pacate. Pentru mine, cel mai tare e gama de haine Dacia...!

For the British market, the ARO-10 (= Dacia Duster) and Dacia 1304 (= Dacia Shifter) were jazzed up with a range of various unique accessories. These were added on by the importer, and were assembled in the UK.

Given that there are only two Shifters left, and maybe 7 or 8 Dusters, all these accessories are almost certainly long disappeared, sadly. For me, by far the most spectacular is the Dacia branded leisurewear...!

22 July 2015

Fiat 128 x 2

Restaruantul Dobrogean din 2 Mai in anii 70, cu doua Fiaturi 128.

Aceasta masina - deosebita pentru 1969, cand fusese introdusa, si masina Anului in 1970 - nu a fost niciodata raspandita in Romania. Deci doua, ambele inmatriculate in Bucuresti, una langa alta, e ceva rar - chiar intr-o locatie "chic", cum era restaurantul Dobrogean.

The Dobrogean Restaurant in 2 Mai in the 1970s, featuring two examples of the Fiat 128.

This car - something really special when introduced in 1969, and Car of the Year in 1970 - was never common in Romania. So two, both registered in Bucharest, parked next to one another, is a rare sight - even outside one of the more chic restaurants of 70s Romania.

Bonus photo:

2 July 2015

Peugeot-ul 404 de la Biserica Rusa / The Peugeot 404 at the Russian Church

Timp de ani de zile, un locatar din zona Bisericii Ruse, de pe strada Ion Ghica din centrul Capitalei, se deplasa cu un Peugeot 404 alb. Era un punct de reper in marea de Dacii din zona (plus Skodele de la ambasada cehoslovaca). In 2006 l-am surprins in poza nr 5; circula, desi rar. A mai stat in acelasi loc cativa ani si dupa 2008 a disparut. Credeam ca masina era REMATizata de mult tip, dar se pare ca inca exista, dovada fiind ultimele doua poze, luate in aprilie, aratand masina intr-o curte pe soseaua Pipera. Se tine destul de bine batrana, mai ales tinand cont ca a fost abandonata de cel putin 6 ani: 404 era bine-cuonscut pentru robustete. Cine stie ... poatea va avea un viitor mai stralucitor. Ar merita!

For many years, a resident of the area around the Russian Church in Bucharest drove around in a white Peugeot 404. It was a familiar sight in the sea of Dacias (and Czechoslovakian Embassy Skodas). In 2006 I photographed it (picture 5) - it was still being driven then, albeit rarely. It stayed in the same place for a few more years and disappeared after 2008. I assumed it had long been crushed, but - according to photos taken in April - it still exists, in a courtyard in Pipera. It's not in bad condition considering how long it's been abandoned for - but then the 404 was a notably resistent vehicle. Perhaps it might have a brighter future. It deserves it!

In 1985

In 2003

In 2004

In 2005

In 2006

Circa 2007

In 2008

In 2015