30 September 2020

Autoturismele IAR, 1948 / The IAR automobiles, 1948

Via Horia Stoica si Marius Istodorescu - trei poze aratand cele trei automobile fabricate la Brasov la sfarsitul anilor 40. IAR - coupe, berlina, station.

Mie mi se par extraordinar de avansate fata de ce s-a fabricat in Romania ulterior - creatiile anilor 50 in Romania erau de-a deptul grosolane. Aceste masini, concepute intre 1942 si 1947, erau in linie cu ce se fabrica in occident - poate chiar mai avansate. Coupe-ul ar linii similare cu prototipul DKW din 1939; berlina seamana cu o combinatie din Pobeda si Peugeot 203. Se spune ca au fost pe baza de sasiu de Fiat 1100, dar cu motor conceput la Brasov (un exemplar de motor exista si astazi).

Masinile au circulat destul de mult - unele surse spun pana in 59, altele pana in anii 70. Au fost masini de serviciu pentru fabrica de avioane. 

Acum, o alta surpriza: o poza din 1957 cu masini din Piata Sfatului, Orasul Stalin, arata ... ceva foarte similar cu IAR coupe. Detaliie din fata sunt un pic diferite, mai ales pozitiile farurilor: concluzia mea e ca e vorba de IAR coupe, dar modificata, posibil in urma unui accident.

Ca fapt divers, mi se pare ca Brasovul anilor 50 era capitala automobilistica a Romaniei in acea perioda. In regiunea Stalin erau numai o mie de masini, dar printre ele doua Jaguaruri SS100, cele trei prototipuri IAR, un Fiat 1500 Roadster carosat de atelierele Stabilimenti Farina, un Mercedes 500K, o Alfa...


Via Horia Stoica and Marius Istodorescu - three photographs showing the prototypes built at IAR, in Brasov, in the late 1940s. According to historical sources three were made - a coupe, saloon, and estate.

I think they are fantastically advanced compared to the rough and ready vehicles that Romania ended up producing in the 1950s. They seem fully in line with Western practice - possibly even more advanced. The coupe seems to have been inspired by DKW prototypes, while the saloon looks like a cross between a Pobeda and a Peugeot 203. Worth noting, work on these cars started in 1942. Apparently the basis was the Fiat 1100, but with a locally designed engine (an example of which still exists).

They were staff cars for the Brasov aeroplane factory - some sources say they were scrapped in 1959, others in the 70s. 

A further surprise: a photo from Brasov (then known as Stalin City...) in 1957. The car in the middle seems to be the IAR coupe but with a different front end - possibly modified after an accident?

Incidentally, Brasov seems to have been the automotive capital of Romania in the 50s. Although there were only around 1000 cars registered, they included: two Jaguar SS100, a Mercedes 500K, an Alfa, the three IAR prototypes, and a Stabilimenti Farina Fiat 1500 Roadster...