Cam toti pasionatii auto din Romania stiu despre drezina Skoda VOS in Sinaia, despre care tot circula zvonul ca a fost masina Anei Pauker. Masina fusese expusa la Fetesti. Ulterior a mai aparut una tot la Fetesti, care venise de la Medgidia. Mai mult, am gasit imagini (e drept, cam vechi) cu a treia drezina, undeva intr-o zona de munte: se pare ca in total au fost cinci facute drezina.
Astazi pot sa va prezint o poza de-a dreptul exceptionala, aratand masinile elitei comuniste in anii 50. In poza se regasesc cinci Skoda VOS (din 107 fabricate), plus limuzine ZIS si ZIM, Buick model 1949, si Chevrolet model 1951. (Char daca era epoca cea mai dura a comunismului, "tovarasii" inca se faleau cu masini americane.)
Skoda VOS e foarte, foarte rara astazi. Una e in China, alta in Albania, in stare precara, alta la muzeul Skoda, inca una in Cehia intr-un muzeu si a cincea intr-o colectie particulara in Slovakia. Plus doua, posibil trei, in Romania. Acuma, trebuie si sa le pastram...
Drezina din Sinaia
Drezina din Fetesti... cu cativa ani inainte de "restaurarea" ei
Misterioasa drezina de la munte
Most Romanian automotive enthusiasts are aware of the Skoda VOS draisine in Sinaia, which allegedly belonged to Ana Pauker (spoiler: it didn't). Previously, it had been on show, in the open air, in Fetesti. More recently another has surfaced in Fetesti, which originally came from Medgidia. And I've found images of a third, somewhere in the mountains, some time ago. In fact, it seems there were five VOS draisines in total.
Today I can present a very rare image showing the cars of the Communist elite in the 1950s. There are no fewer than five VOSs, out of a total of 107 made, plus ZIL and ZIM limousines, a 1949 Buick and a 1951 Chevrolet - because even in at the height of the Stalinist era, the comrades enjoyed their American cars.
The VOS is an extremely rare beast. There's one in China; another languishing in Albania; one owned by Skoda and another in a Czech museum; and one privately owned example in Slovakia. Plus the two - or maybe three - on Romania. Now we just have to look after them...