Dintr-o arhiva sarba, imagini impresionante cu vizita lui Tito in Romania in aprilie 1966. Se vad o gramada de Mercedesuri si Opeluri Admiral, proaspat importate de stat, plus celebrul Cadillac decapotabil din 1960 folosit initial de Dej, apoi de Ceausescu. Remarcam si flota de motociclete BMW, un Chevrolet Impala model 1962, folosit pentru filmari, care astazi supravietuieste in Austria, o limuzina Mercedes 600 Pullman, si inca un Cadillac 1960, berlina. Adaugam si cateva poze cotidiane facute de echipa iugoslava. Numerele, in format xxxx-B, urmau sa se schimbe in luna urmatoare.
From a Serbian archive, some impressive images of Tito's visit to Romania in April 1966. There are a lot of Mercedes and Opel Admirals, recently imported for use by the state, plus the famous 1960 Cadillac convertible first used by Gheorghiu-Dej and then by Ceausescu. Also visible is the fleet of BMW motorcylces, a 1962 Chevrolet Impala used for filming, which still exists in Austria, a Mercedes 600 Pullman, and a 1960 Cadillac Sedan. Also featuring are a few shots of daily life made by the Yugoslavian team. The licence plates, in the xxxx-B format, were to change in the following month.