file din istoria auto în România --- fragments from Romania's automotive history
7 June 2010
Constanta 1971
Douazeci de poze din Constanta si imprejurimi, facute de Willy Pragher in 1971. Diferenta dintre ieri si azi, mai ales in zona pietei Ovidiu, e enorma. Multe cladiri din piata au fost demolate in 1983, altele intre timp au cazut in paragina, spre exemplu superba vila langa moschee; astazi, scena e dezolanta.
Din cate stiu eu, poza din Costinesti e prima care arata epava vaporului Liberty "Evanghelia", care esuase in 1968. Culmea e ca Pragher facuse o poza din acelasi loc in 1937. Desi nu are tema automobilistica promit ca o sa o prezint, metamorfoza dintre anii 30, anii 70 si astazi fiind extraordinara si foarte elocventa.
Vizionare placuta!
Twenty photographs from Constanta and the surrounding area, taken by Willy Pragher in 1971. The difference between then and now is enormous, especially in the area around Piata Ovidiu. Many of the buildings in the squae ere knocked down in 1983. Others have since crumbled into dereliction, an example being the exquisite villa next to the mosque. Today, the scene is desolate, livened only by the odd bad-taste kebab shop.
From what I know the photo of Costinesti is the earliest one in which the wreck of the Greek-owned Liberty vessel "Evanghelia" appears - it had ran aground there in 1968. Interestingly, Pragher had photographed the scene from the same point in 1937. I will want to show the photo at a later date, even though it has nothing to do with automotive history, as the change between the 1930s, the 1970, and the mordern day is eloquent of the changes which have taken place in Romania over the last century.
Happy viewing!
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