file din istoria auto în România --- fragments from Romania's automotive history
13 June 2011
Cu Ford Taunus in 1972 / With a Ford Taunus in 1972
Colegi de facultate in anii 70 - de pe Ford Tunus era o masina destul de comuna in acei ani, si una care inca se gaseste in numeroase exemplare astazi. Toate au fost importate in mod neoficial, sau in anii 70 sau in anii 90, si au fost destul de apreciate prin tara, mai ales pentru cei care vroiau ceva mai special decat o Dacie.
University friends in the 70s - from The Ford Taunus was a popular car in the 1970s, and one which can still be found fairly frequently in Romania. All were imported privately, either in the 70s or in the 90s, and they were a well-thought-of automobile for those who wanted something rather nicer than a Dacia.
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