22 September 2010

Gaz M20 Pobeda - part 2

Inca niste poze cu Pobezi in Romania. Surse diferite. Va urma: ce-a ramas din ele.
Several more photos from different sources with Pobedas in Romania. To follow: what is left of them.

20 September 2010

Volga care dispare / The disappearing Volga

Doua imagini din inceputul anilor 60 cu Calea Marasesti din Bacau. Ghiciti diferenta...
Two images fron the early 60s of Marasesti Way in Bacau. Spot the difference...

Ma intreb de ce. Motive estetice? Sau poate gramada de masini luxoase nu arata deloc proletar? Cine stie...
I winder why? Aesthetic reasons? or simply that too many luxury cars in one shot was hardly true to Socialist ideals? Who knows...

19 September 2010

Premii de motociclism, anii 40 / 1940s motorcycle trophies

Recent de vanzare pe eBay. Cu siguranta niste piese rare! ARMA = Asociata Romana a Motociclistilor Amatori, fondat 1934.
Recently for sale on eBay. Definitely rarities! ARMA was the Amateur Motorcyclists' Association of Romania, founded in 1934.

18 September 2010

Vacante, anii 70 / Seventies Holidays

Un set de poze din anii 70. De exceptie e Mercedesul "bot de cal" cu numar scurt, mare semn de distinctie sociala in anii 70. Exemplare la mana doua costau cam 100-120 mii de lei, adica trei Trabanturi noi, sau o Volga si jumatate. Alta masina interesanta e Mercedesul microbuz. Oficiul National de Turism a avut o mica flota inainte sa cumpere Irannationaulrile alb cu albastru prin 1976, care inca sa mai vad astazi circuland.

A set of snaps from the 70s. Worth mentioning is the Mercedes saloon with a three-digit license plate, a sign of high social distinction back then, when a second-hand example cost about 100-1200 thousand lei, or three new trabants or a Volga and a half. Another interesting vehicle is the Mercedes minibus, one of a small fleet oned by the National Tourism Office and used until around 1976, when they were replaced by the blue and white-liveried Irannationals which can still be occasionally seen around Romania.

13 September 2010

GAZ M20 Pobeda

Cea mai des importata masina in Romania anilor 50. Costa 75,000 lei, dar foarte putini au cuparata asa ceva ca masina particulara, fiind vorba de o perioada unde orice bun burghez era vazut cu mare suspiciune. Putine au supravietuit, cel mai bun exemplar fiind un model 4x4 in Bucuresti. La Piatra Neamt inca mai circula (e frept, foarte rar) un exemplar nerestaurat. Restul sunt cam in stare de epava si nu cred sa existe mai mult de 20.

Cateva poze de epoca, pre 1966...

The most often imported car in 1950s Romania, the Pobeda as freely available for sale at 75,00 let, although few found their way into private hands, such bourgeois goods being regarded as deeply suspicious. A handful survive, the best being a 4x4 version in Bucharest. There is also an old man in Piatra Neamt who uses his as his only car, about twice a year. The rest are in terrible condition; I do not think there are more than about 20 left.

Some pre-1966 photos...