31 December 2012

26 November 2012

Horch 830 camioneta la razboi / Wartime Horch 830 truck

Rara imagine color surprinsa in Romania, in perioada razboiului. In Romania antebelica, Horch era o masina rara si valoroasa, in varianta sport fiind un simbol al bunastarii precum Audi-ul R8 contemporan. Aceasta masina de telecomunicatii e un 830, un model mai mic. Din pacate Horchuri nu au mai supravietuit in tara, desi am auzit zvonuri despre un sasiu recarosat. Totusi, am - si voi pune pe blog - imagini cu un rarisim 853 roadster in Bucurestiul anului 2001.

Rare colour image taken in WW2 Romania. The Horch was a rare and valuable car in pre-war Romania, the sporting version being a status symbol not too dissimilar from today's Audi R8. This telecommunications vehicle was an 830, a smaller model. Unfortuantely, there are no more Horchs left in Romania, although a rumour exists of a surviving chassis with a new body grafted onto it. However, I do have - and will present - footage of a hyper-rare 853 roadster in 2001 Bucharest.

25 November 2012

Filmul "Directorul nostru", 1955 - The film "Our Boss", 1955

Noua imagini din filmul "Directorul nostru", turnat in 1955. Pentru iubitorii de automobile filmul e deosebit de interesant, aratand nu numai o Pobeda decapotabila (varianta ff rara care nici nu sitam a a existat in Romania) dar si un splendid Studebaker Champion decapotabil din 1947. Studebaker '47 a fost un model extrem de modern, de fapt prima masina americana postbelica cu un design complet nou, executat de celebrul designer Raymond Loewy. Studebaker-ul ar fi fost importat in Romania in ultimele zile al regatului; fara discutie, facea furori in peisajul anilor 50. Filmul arata si cateva alte masini, printre care un Chrysler, tot din 1947.

Nine images from the fil "Our Boss", made in 1955. For car lovers the film is extremely interesting, not only showing footage of a Pobeda cabriolet (a very rare variation which I never thought had been exported to Romania) but also a superb 1947 Studebaker Champion convertible. The 1947 Studebaker was a very modern design penned by Raymond Lowey; it was the first American postwar car with an entirely new design. The Studebaker would have been imported to Romania in the dying days of the monarchy; it would defintiely have caused quite a stir in the 1950s! The film show a few other cars, including a 1947 Chrysler.

22 November 2012

Cadillacul patriarhului Justinian / Patriarch Justinian's Cadillac


Cadillac-uri din acea perioada mai existau in tara: fosta masina al ambasadorului american se afla la Lugoj la un inginier minier, mai era un exemplar in Timisoara, decapotabila de la Buftea, si inca o decapotabila in zona Neamt, exemplar care a fost descoperit recent si complet restaurat. Sigur mai erau si altele... Exemplarul patriarhului a inlocuit alt Cadillac din 1946.


There were other Cadillacs from that period in Romania: the US Ambassador's former car was owned by a mining engineer in Lugoj, there was another in Timisoara, the convertible used by the Buftea film studios, and another convertible in the Neamt region which was recently discovered and put back on the road. And there would surely have been others... The Patriarch's one replaced another Cadillac, from 1946.

30 October 2012

In centrul Bucurestilor in anii 50 / In central Bucharest in the 1950s

Anii 50 sunt o perioada dificila pentru a gasi imagini din Bucuresti, mai ales la o rezolutie decenta. Am fost deci extrem de placut surprins cand Mihai Turcu, un cititor fidel, mi-a trimis doua imagini suprinse, el crede, la inceputul anilor 50. Le completez cu inca doua panorame tot din anii 50 de pe blogul fotografului Alex Galmeanu.

Cum am mai spus de mult, masinile americane erau in voga pentru elita anilor 50. In prima poza, se poate vedea un Buick de la sfarsitul anilor 40, plus un BMW / EMW 340, masina despre care am mai scris. In a doua poza pe langa antebelice se vede o masina extrem de interesanta: un Packard din perioada 1946/47. Usor uitam ca in aceasta perioada masini americane se gaseau noi-noute in Romania. Era mare dorinta pentru asa ceva: parcul auto era golit dupa razboi, masinile antebelice erau destul de demodate si uneori in stare jalnica, si orice familie instarita care se respecta oricum isi schimba masina destul de des. Din nou, in acea perioada erau destui diploati si ofiteri straini in Romania, care aveau bani si nevoie de transport. Bine inteles, unele familii, avand idee ce era sa vina dupa 48, au fost mai discrete; dar in perioada 45-47 s-au vandut destule americance. (Europene mai putin - pur si simplu nu erau fabrici.) Un mare cumparator era statul: chiar in 1948, scrie Dan Ciachir, au sosit cateva sute de Packard Clippers. Masina din imagine e aproape sigur una din aceste, si in plus, varianta din varful gamei.

In panoramele care urmeaza, probabil luate cu 3-4 ani mai tarziu, se vad strazile aproape pustii din fata Palatului. Locul de onoare e ocupat de un Gaz-12 ZiM, iar pe langa el se vede un Chevrolet 57, un camion GAZ-51, si o Volga. In urmatoarea poza ZiM-ul reapare, iar in fata palatului e inca o masina mare noua si americana si un Skoda 1101 VO-P kubelwagon din anii 50. In distanta mai sunt doua Pobezi.

Concluzia? Partidul isi rasplatea bine fruntasii!
The 1950s are a difficult period from which to find photos of Romania, let alone decent ones. I was therefore very pleased to receive two sent in by a loyal reader, Mihai Turcu, and decided to complete them with two further panoramas from Alex Galmeanu's blog. As I've already written, American cars were very much in vogue in the 1950s. In the first photo, we can see a late 1940s Buick and a BMW/EMW 340, a car which I have already written about.

The second picture, as well as the pre-war cars, shows something very interesting: a 1946/47 Packard. It's easy to forget that American cars were available brand new up until 1948. There was significant demand: many cars left during the war, existing ones were often in poor condition, and any wealthy family worth their salt would change cars every couple of years anyway. Couple that with the presence of a lot of Western officers and diplomats with money to spend and in need of transport. Of course, some people, seeing what was coming, preferred to be more discreet - but in the period before Communism took over, many new American cars (European factories not producing much at the time) were sold. Interestingly one of the biggest customers was the (pre-Communist) state: as late as 1948, historian Dan Ciachir writes, an order of several hundred Packard Clippers was to arrive. The car pictured is probably one of these, and, at that, a top-of-the-range model.

The next photos, taken probably a few years later, show almost deserted streets in front of the former palace. Pride of place goes to a GAZ-12 ZiM limousine; next to it is a 57 Chevy, a GAZ-51 truck, and what seems to be a Volga. The ZiM reappears in the next photo; next to the palace is a large and new American car and a 1950s Skoda 1101 VO-P military kubelwagon. Two Pobedas can be seen in the distance.

Conclusion? Communism treated its leaders well!

29 October 2012

Camionul primariei Buzau, 1942 / Buzau municipal lorry, 1942

Aceasta poza, facuta in fata conacului de la Candesti in 1942, surprinde un camion International apartinand orasului Buzau, probabil folosit la recolta. Modelul este un seria D, fabricat intre 1937 si 1940. Astazi International e marca extincta in Romania, totusi este o legatura, modelul KR11 fiind inspiratia pentru ZiS-150, care la randul lui a fost inspriatia pentru SR-101 romanesc. Aproape sigur acest exemplar buzoian ar fi fost rechizionat pentru razboi. Astazi, camiona antebelice in Romania sunt extrem de rare - cateva Opeluri si Forduri, camionele de la muzeul Leonida, un Fiat la dl Filipciuc care banuiesc ca e de fapt o berlina traforata, si un Chevrolet 1941. Conacul a avut o soarta mai norocoasa si, fapt rarisim, e in stare decenta si astazi.

This photo, taken in front of the manor house at Candesti in 1942, shows an International truck, probably helping with the harvest. The model is a series D, made between 1937 and 1940. Today there are no more Internationals in Romania, although there is some sort of a link, the International KR11 being the inspiration for the Soviet ZiS-150 truck, which in turn inspired the Romanian SR-101. This particular lorry would almost definitely have been confiscated for wartime use. Today, pre-war commercial vehicles are extremely rare in Romania - a handful of Fords and Opels, the lorries in the Leonida museum, a Fiat in the Filipciuc yard which I suspect was modified from a sedan, and a 1941 Chevrolet. The manor house had a luckier escape and, very surprisingly, still exists in reasonable condition.

28 October 2012

TV-7 in 1965

Aceste imagini absolut rarisime surprind un autobuz TV-7 in zona Moldovei in 1965. TV-7 a fost fabricat intre 1964 si 1967, ulterior fiind inlocuit de TV-71, o varianta usor modernizata. Autobuzul cu un design de-a dreptul futurist a fost conceput in mod special pentru drumuri interurbane, mai ales la munte. Motorul era un V8 de Bucegi. Bine inteles, nu mai exista asa ceva de mult in Romania. Totusi sa pare ca 2 sau 3 exemplare de TV-71 au supravietuit in Cehia, e drept in stare de epava.

These extremely rare images show a TV-7 bus in the Moldova region in 1965. The TV-7 was made between 1964 and 1967, before being replaced by the slightly modernised TV-71. The bus, with its distinctive space-age design, was designed for inter-urban journeys, especially in mountainous regions. It was powered by the V8 Bucegi engine. Of course, none survive in Romania, but it seems that 2 or 3 TV-71 examples exist in the Czech Republic, albeit in terrible condition.

25 October 2012

Poiana Brasov in epoca de aur / Poiana Brasov in the golden era

Dousprazece vederi din Poiana Brasov in perioada de glorie... O impresionananta colectie de masini - bine-inteles, arhiprezenta Dacie 1300 (inclusiv de ACR), dar si masini vestice interesante: Fiat 1600, Volvo, Opel Rekord Coupe, Peugeot 404, Ford Taunus / Cortina, Mercedes coada de randunica, autocar Fiat de ONT, multe minunatii ... Inca o dovada ca parcul auto in Romania anilor 70 era mult mai divers decat se crede astazi.

Twelve postcards from Poiana Brasov in its glory days. A real variety of cars - of course, the ever present Dacia 1300 (including in its Romanian Automobile Club guise), but also other, Western cars: Fiat 1600, Volvo, Opel Rekord Coupe, Peugeot 404, Ford Taunus / Cortina, Mercedes Fintail, Office of National Tourism Fiat coach, and many more ... Yet more proof that Romania's 1970s car pool was far more varied than we give credit for. 

22 October 2012

"Swinging Sixties" la Mamaia

Vara, din pacate, s-a dus, si sezonul cald supravietuieste numai in poze sau amintiri. Iar aceasta poza, surprinsa la sfarsitul anilor 60 in Mamaia, aminteste nu numai de vara ci de o perioada in care litorlaul romanesc era poate la apogeul sau. Viata era frumoasa, mai ales pentru cine isi permitea sa se plimbe la mare cu masina sport, lucioasa, americana, poate cu o blonda in scaunul pasagerului...

Sadly the summer is gone, and the warm season lives on only in photos or memories. This photo, taken at the end of the 1960s in Mamaia, brings to mind not only the summer but a period when the Romanian coast was at its height. Life was good - especially if you could take out on a spin your shiny new American sports car, perhaps with a blonde by your side...

9 October 2012

Reguli pentru biciclisti, 1967 / Cycling rules in 1967

Aceste frumoase ilustratii, din 1967, sunt de interes prin exectuia artistica. Camioneta Carpati e aproape perfect desenata; pana si masina albastra e clar FIAT (1300 sau 1500). Imi place foarte mult aceasta atentie la detalii care totusi nu dauneaza simplictatii. These pretty illustrations, dating from 1967, impress by their artistic execution. The Carpati truck is almost perfectly depicted; even the blue car is clearly a FIAT 1300 or 1500. This attention to detail (which doesn't detract from the simplicity of the pictures) I find pleasing and a sign of good workmanship.

26 September 2012

Rolls Royce in Romania - 1927

O poza absolut exceptionala aratand o coloana oficiala (poate a familiei regale) pe strada Lispcani, in Slatina, in 1927. In fata este un splendid Rolls Royce, o masina care era, ca acum, absolut de elita. Rolls Royce avea o prezenta in Romania antebelica, ambasada britanica dispunand de asa ceva inca din 1921. Mai tarziu, spre sfarsitul anilor 30, regele Carol folosea (chiar in mod oficial) un exemplar decapotabil, cu doua portiere. Sunt sigur ca ar mai fi existat cateva!

A rather exceptional photo showing an official parade (perhaps that of the royal family) on the lipscani street in Slatina in 1927. The column is led by a superb Rolls Royce, then, as now, a car of the elite. It was not a wholly unknown make: the British Embassy was using one in 1921, and a two-door convertible was being driven around, even on official parades, by King Carol, in the late 1930s. And I am sure there would have been a few more!

31 July 2012

1970 - Bucuresti, Brasov

Inca un set de poze color, dintr-o colectie americana, aratand Bucuresti si Brasov. Filmul care ruleaza la cinematograful Patria e din 1965 si pozele sunt clar mai noi decat asta. Se vad Dacii 1300; sunt chiar doua Forduri Capri (unul rosu cu numere de ambasada, altul alb in parcarea Casei Sfatului). Totusi  dupa moda e clar ca anii 70 nu patrunsesera inca. In plus, Inter-ul (deschis in 1971) e abia in constructie. Si intr-adevar, pozele suntd in octombrie 1970. Mercedes-ul Ponton (daca vad corect, cu numere 1-B-trei cifre) e pe departe preferata mea, probabil amintidu-mi de doua epave in zona copilariei, pe langa care intotdeauna ma plimbam, fascinat.
Another set of colour photos with Bucharest and Brasov. Dating them is rather interesting: the film shwoing - The Sound of Music - appeared in 1965 and the photos are clearly more recent. You can see two Ford Capris (one red, one white in Brasov) and the odd Dacia 1300. But the fashions are hardly of the 70s, and the Intercontinental Hotel, which opened in 1971, is still shown as under construction. And indeed the images - from an American collection - turn out to be from October 1970. The Mercedes Ponton is by far my favourite of the lot. When young, I used to be fascinated by two derelict examples close to my house, so I still retain a soft spot for them.