Stiu ca era o persoana destul de controversa in lumea vehiculelor istorice. Totusi, in fimlele lui, cand de multe ori masinile erau vedete, el a popularizat ideea masinilor de epoca, a salvat multe masini, si ce s-a distrus in filme 1) era de obicei irrecuperabil si 2) a rezultat in niste scene iubite de spectatori. Plymouth si Mercedes 170 erau multe in anii 70, majoritatea in stare de epava, ca si astazi. Iar masinile cu adevarata valoare (Stutz, Cadillac, chiar Buickurile 99% originale in folosinta si astazi) erau pastrate si iubite. Rest in peace!
I know he was a fairly controversial character in the classic car world. However he was one of the first to bring the concept of historic vehicles to Romania: in his films, the cars were also the stars. He also saved many vehicles. The ones which were destroyed were 1) beyond redemption and 2) gave keen pleasure to viewers. Plymouths and Mercedeses 170 were plentiful back then (as indeed they are today); while cars of real scarcity and value (Stutz, Cadillac, even the pair of almost completely original Buicks still running today) were appreciated as such. Rest in peace!
frumoasele jegoase (16)
3 days ago
Congratulations on an interesting site. Regarding Sergiu Nicolaescu, one of his films (Oglinda, 1993) about the coup d'etat by King Michael against Marshall Antonescu, features a 1936 Cadillac Series 70 Convertible Sedan. This car is currently in Germany owned by a friend of mine who is trying to find out about its history. Althought he knew the car had a Romanian past, the only clue he had was a wild story about how the car was a present from the mayor of New York to the King of Romania as a present for his wife. I told him that was more than unlikely given that Carol II was long divorced from his wife in 1936 and the anti-corruption mayor of New York at the time (Fiorello La Guardia) would be unlikely to make such a gesture to a notoriously corrupt monarch (probably a deliberate confusion based on the public acclaim given to Queen Marie by Mayor Jimmy Walker in New York in 1926 or maybe it was a present from Carol to Mme Lupescu?). Anyway, the car in question is an important one -- it was the first produced of the 1936 models with serial number one, with a lovely convertible coupe body, with the senior series 70 Fleetwood body. How did it end up in Romania and what was its history? Perhaps someone can help in this respect? Look at the photos of the car on Flikr:silviu12's Photostream, where the car has registration number 1-B 3837. The car is now in a terrible condition, minus original engine and other parts but hopefully it can be restored. There is extensive discussion of this plus photos on the Cadillac LaSalle Club web site ( discussion forum under Restoration Blog (1936 Cadillac Convertible). Any help would be appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThomas McDonald (formerly resident in Romania and missing your lovely country).
Correction to the above: the car is a 1936 Cadillac Convertible Coupe (not Sedan).
ReplyDeleteThomas - I have some info on this car, including more old pictures, and am thrilled that it's being restored! Engine is off a Volga. E-mail me privately - ap493 @ cantab . net . Regards, Adrian
ReplyDeleteTom, I think we can now conclude that the Romanian king theory as you suspected can be discounted as there's now proof it was the 1936 Paris Motor show car and was exported to Antwerp.ready for that show. How it then got to Romania is a mystery.
ReplyDeleteAdrian, If fact the whole drive train is Volga including rear wheels giving Godi, the owner plenty of headaches. parts for these cars are notoriously difficult to come by. I'm sure he will welcome more pictures and information.
Been in contact with Godi - hopefully more and more of the mystery will reveal itself!
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