13 June 2019

Bucuresti 1961 / Bucharest 1961

Imagini remarcabile din Bucurestiul anului 1960-61, gasite in arhiva Uniunei Arhitectilor (https://arhiva.uniuneaarhitectilor.ro/). Arata arhictectura socialista in epoca sa de glorie: linii simple, curate, moderne. Imposibil de a nu fi cel putin un pic impresionat, chiar daca stilul nu e pe gustul tuturor. Masinile sunt putine, e clar ca fotograful nu prea a vrut sa le prinda in peisaj, oricum nici nu prea erau multe pe sosele. Avem arhicunoscutele Pobeda si Moskvich, Skode (inclusiv Octavia, 1101/2, 1200, 1200 Furgon), Buick 1948, Pontiac 1953, EMW, Willys MB, GAZ-12 ZIM, Mercedes Ponton,  si o bruma de antebelice... Am impresia ca arhiva Uniunei Arhitectilor e extrem de bogata, si sper sa ne mai delecteze cu imagini similare dintr-o epoca aproape disparuta.

Remarkable images from 1960-61 Bucharest, via the archive of the Architects' Union (https://arhiva.uniuneaarhitectilor.ro/). They show socialist modernist architecture in its glory days; clean, simple, modern lines, which are impressive regardless of what you think about the style. There are few cars; clearly the photographer didn't want them as part of the picture, but the roads were not at all busy back then. As well as the well-known Moskvich and Pobeda models, we have Skodas (including the 1201/2, Octavia, 1200 and 1200 Furgon), Buick 1948, Pontiac 1953, EMW, Willys MB, GAZ-12 ZIM, Mercedes Ponton,and a handful of pre-war cars. I've got the impression that the Architects' Union archive is extremely rich, and look forward to seeing (and sharing) more of their captures of a forgotten world.


  1. @Adrian de ce permiti atatea comentarii de spam pe blog? N-ai un filtru ceva? Cheers

  2. Am, dar clar nu e destul de bun...

  3. Interesant forum dacia spaniol:

