imagini din filmul "Directorul nostru", turnat in 1955. Pentru iubitorii de automobile filmul e deosebit de interesant, aratand nu numai o Pobeda decapotabila (varianta ff rara care nici nu sitam a a existat in Romania) dar si un splendid Studebaker Champion decapotabil din 1947. Studebaker '47 a fost un model extrem de modern, de fapt prima masina americana postbelica cu un design complet nou, executat de celebrul designer Raymond Loewy. Studebaker-ul ar fi fost importat in Romania in ultimele zile al regatului; fara discutie, facea furori in peisajul anilor 50. Filmul arata si cateva alte masini, printre care un Chrysler, tot din 1947.
Nine images from the fil "Our Boss", made in 1955. For car lovers the film is extremely interesting, not only showing footage of a Pobeda cabriolet (a very rare variation which I never thought had been exported to Romania) but also a superb 1947 Studebaker Champion convertible. The 1947 Studebaker was a very modern design penned by Raymond Lowey; it was the first American postwar car with an entirely new design. The Studebaker would have been imported to Romania in the dying days of the monarchy; it would defintiely have caused quite a stir in the 1950s! The film show a few other cars, including a 1947 Chrysler.
frumoasele jegoase (16)
3 days ago
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