Astazi, masina se afla in mainile unui pasionat german, care o va restuara. Nu surprinzator, nu se afla nici un pic de evidenta despre povestea cu masina regala - ba dinpotriva, pozele cu Cadillacurile in dotarea regala arata masini complet diferite. Totusi, s-a ivit un amanunt si mai special: aceasta masina, cu seria de sasiu 1, a fost capul de serie pentru Cadillac Series 70 1936 si prezentat la Salonul Auto din Paris! Unele dotari, spre exemplu emblema de pe capota (furata in Germania), sunt comanda speciala de la uzinele General Motors. Deci cum ar fi ajuns in Romania?
Sunt in legatura cu proprietarul - oricine are informative despre aceasta masina il rog sa ma contacteze sau sa lasa un comentariu.
Ever-present in 1980s vintage car parades was this Cadillac, a 1936 Series 70 Convertible Coupe. It was heavily modified - Volga engine, ARO rear axle, strange gearbox, and SR indicators - but it was still a spectacular vehicle. It was used in several films - Facerea Lumii in 1971, Zidul in 1975, and Oglinda in 1993 - and was driven to Germany in the 1990s, where it was abandoned in a barn. At this time the improbable legend surfaced that it was a former royal car - more precisely, a gift from the Mayor of New York to Elena Lupescu, the then King's mistress. From the pictures, it seems as if the modifications were made in the early 60s.
Today the car is in the hands of a German collector who intends to restore it. Unsurprisingly, there is no evidence to suggest its royal story: indeed, photos of royal Cadillacs at that time show very different vehicles. However, research has yielded an even more special detail: it seems that this car, with cassis number 1, was the forst 1930 Series 70 ever built and was presented at the Paris salon! Some details, including the bonnet mascot (stolen in Germany) were specially ordered from the General Motors factory. So how did it reach Romania?
I am in contact with the owner: if anybody has any more information about this car, do contact me or leave a message.
Inainte de 1966
1971, in filmul Facerea Lumii
1975, filmul Zidul
Anii 70 / inceputul anilor 80.
La parada in 1986
1993 - filmul Oglinda
2006 - in Germania
Masina astazi se prezinta in aceasta stare, inainte de restaurare.
Foarte interesant. De unde e prima poza? O multime de masini interesante acolo.
ReplyDeleteE de pe , sunt multe poze cu masina, cercetarile continua...
ReplyDeleteA jucat si in alte filme, Duelul e unul din ele