3 November 2013

A nice car for nice people (1995)

In 1994-95, Dacia adopta lozinca "A nice car for nice people" - "o masina decenta pentru oameni decenti", si isi prezinta modelele sub acest slogan, de exemplu la TIB'94 (poza 1). Aceasta brosura, creata in 1995 direct dupa introducerea Daciei R523 (Nova), arata ca la capitolul reclame (si traducere), cei de la Dacia stateau prost de tot. In plus, arata ca cel putin initial, Dacia nu vorbea despre modelul "Nova" (desi la TIB '95 a fost prezentata ca Nova si nu ca R523) - un esec de marketing. Aflam ca Liberta si Nova erau in productie simultan. Oglinzile cromate de pe Dacia 1304 sunt de-a dreptul uimitor de demodate. Un alt detaliu amuzant este faptul ca capacele de roata la Liberta sugereaza faptul ca rotile erau cu patru prezoane cand, mai putin la moda, aveau numai trei.

Inutil de spus, Liberta, prima generatie de Nova (produsa numai pentru un an) si cateva din modelele comerciale au devenit destul de rare...

In 1994-95, Dacia adopted the slogan "A nice car for nice people" and presented its cars under that title, for example at the 1994 Bucharest trade fair. This brochure, created in 1995 just after the launch of the R523 (Nova), shows that in terms of advertising (and translating), Dacia was pretty weak. We learn that, at least initially, Dacia was not calling its new model the "Nova", preferring the less catchy R523 - surely a marketing failure, though one which was remedied at the 1995 trade fair. We also learn that the Liberta and the Nova were available on the market at the same time. The chrome mirror on the 1394 is astonishing. Another entertaining detail is the fact that the hubcaps on the Liberta imply that the wheels are held on by four nuts whereas, less fashionably, they only had three.

Needless to say, the Liberta, first generation Nova (produced for just one year) and some of the commercial models are getting rather rare...



  1. Salut! Imi place foarte mult blog-ul am dat de el din intamplare. Am niste poze din perioada comunista cu masini din acea epoca daca vrei sa luam legatura ne gasim pe mess mh.99whr

  2. Salut! Sunt f interesat de poze, n-am mess dar blackvolga@googlemail.com ma gaseste!
