Din arhiva "Autoturism", septembrie 1975 - un articol despre traficul bucurestean, semnaland greseli facute de soferi. Printre care si ... o Dacie cu celebra combinatie 1-B-trei cifre. Acele numere erau speciale: te semnalau printre prima mie de conducatori auto din tara, Ceausescu fiind primul, cu 1-B-101, cu o ordine de precedenta stricta. Nu stiu cine era proprietarul la 1-B-432: e posibil sa fie sau statul, sau un personaj foarte important. Nici macar familia Ceausescu nu avea 1-B-trei cifre la toate masinile lor! E foarte interesant ca revista Autoturism a indraznit sa critice un personaj asa sus pus ... Ma intreb daca a fost vreo repercusie....
From the Autoturism archives. September 1975 - an article about traffic in Bucharest and the errors made by individual drivers. Among whom, the driver of a Dacia with the famous "1-B-three numbers" number plates. These plates were very special: they placed you among the first thousand car owners in the country, Ceasuescu being the first, with 1-B-101, and a stric order of precedence following. We don't know who the owner of 1-B-432 was: possibly either the state or a VIP. Not even all the Ceausescu family managed to have "1-B-three numbers" plates! It's fascinating that "Autoturism" magazine dared criticise someone so high up; I wonder if there were any repercussions...
în săptămîna asta (9)
12 hours ago
Interesant acest articol.