Restaruantul Dobrogean din 2 Mai in anii 70, cu doua Fiaturi 128.
Aceasta masina - deosebita pentru 1969, cand fusese introdusa, si masina Anului in 1970 - nu a fost niciodata raspandita in Romania. Deci doua, ambele inmatriculate in Bucuresti, una langa alta, e ceva rar - chiar intr-o locatie "chic", cum era restaurantul Dobrogean.
The Dobrogean Restaurant in 2 Mai in the 1970s, featuring two examples of the Fiat 128.
This car - something really special when introduced in 1969, and Car of the Year in 1970 - was never common in Romania. So two, both registered in Bucharest, parked next to one another, is a rare sight - even outside one of the more chic restaurants of 70s Romania.
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în săptămîna asta (9)
13 hours ago
In apropiere de restaurant era o curte unde in anii '80 exista o caroserie de fiat 128 break.