Ca fapt divers, in judetul Neamt inca mai exista ramasitele unei motociclete cu atas "din 1923". Din pacate e atat de degradata incat nu se poate spune ce marca era, iar proprietarul, vanzator de mobila veche in zona Targu Neamt, nu pare a fi interesat de soarta ei, fiind aproape ascunsa de buruieni. Totusi ce ramane arata mai vechi decat o motocicleta din perioada razboiului (care sunt mult mai comune in Romania), incat poate, poate, varsta venerabila de 87 ani data ramasitelor e corecta.

I must admit I know very little about either motorcycles or the Romanian army; all I can say is that this is a Harley from the Piatra Neamt region. The numberplate is civil; the bike itself looks circa 1915 (see modern photo); the rest, I have no idea...
Interestingly, in the region there is still a motorbike and sidecar allegedly dating from 1923. Sadly the remains are so far gone that it's impossible to tell even what make it is. The owner, an antique furniture dealer from around Targu Neamt, does not seem too interested about it, leaving it covered by weeds in front of a warehouse. However, from what I sa of the remains it does indeed look a little older than WW2 bikes, many of which survive in Romania. Possibly, therefore, the remains are indeed from 1923.
Salut. E a ta poza? esti interesat de un schimb cu poze aviatori ww2?
ReplyDeleteCe diferenta mare exista intre motocicletele de astazi si cele din anii trecuti.
ReplyDeleteAu evoluat foarte mult.