Pe setul postal emis in 1986 in onoarea raliului masinilr de epoca din Sinaia, apare un frumos DKW decapotabil. Surpriza vine pentru ca desenul nu e copiat dintr-o carte, ci reprezinta aproape exact o masina existenta in Romania si care participa la evenimente cu masini de epoca in acea perioada, unde e fotografiata. De multe ori am vazut afise pentru manifestari, atat in tara cat peste hotare, care nu au nicio legatura cu masinile prezente la eveniment. Deci felicitari artistului!
On the first day cover issued to commemorate the vintage car rally in Sinaia, in 1986, you can see a pretty DKW convertible. The surprise is that it's not just a generic old car picture, but a pretty faithful drawing of a DKW existing in Romania and present at these kind of events, and photographed here in Bucharest before the start of the 1986 rally. Rare, and refreshing, to see such attention to detail - congratulations to the anonymous artist.
din zbor (517)
16 hours ago
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