By and large, in 1988 in Romania cars were not being well modified. On locally-made cars, each owner strove to imprint his personality on it: extra lights, curtains, dashboard instruemnts, and a vast array of other useless things found their way on the unsuspecting cars. Pre-war vehicles were still being "modernised" with whatever bits coul be cannibalised off Romanian or Soviet cars. The Dacia factory, and various workshops, tried to make the poor Dacia Sport into a Porsche or a BMW M3. Perhaps most ridiculously, even a tarted-up series of TV light vans was made, for use in Western brochures. Therefore, I was astonished to find in the Autoturism magazine a photo of a very unusual car to find in Romania at that time: an Audi 50. The Audi 50, basically a deluxe version of the VW Polo, sold badly and was quietly withdrawn after 4 years and 108,000 examples. Probably this one belonged to a foreign student and, like many Western cars, was abandoned when parts became too much of a difficulty. But it was saved and modified and, to my eyes at least, looks pretty good. At any rate, at the time, I bet it caused a stir in its native Cluj!
frumoasele jegoase (16)
5 hours ago
Laurentiu Moldovan (RIP) a preparat mai multe masini, cea mai spectaculoasa fiind o D1100.
ReplyDeletePS Ai primit msg meu ref revista ?
din pacate nu! .
ReplyDeleteTotusi in Bucuresti existau cateva masini modificate interesant. La jumatatea anilor 80 circula in capitala un Fiat 1300 bleu metalizat, care avea urmatoarele modificari; stopuri Fiat 131, jante VW golf II,tablou bord Renault 12,volan sport,aparatori noroi Citroen DS, bare de protectie originale fara tampoane, pe care erau aplicate bandourile de cauciuc de la b. de protectie Lada 1200 S, 2 faruri de ceata.
ReplyDeleteCred ca D.1100 modificata de L. Moldovan avea faruri de F.125.