15 October 2015

Un stol de Lastunuri / Members of the Lastun family

O selectie fascinata de desene imaginand cum ar fi aratat o intreaga familie de masini mici pe baza Daca 500 "Lastun". Nu stiu precis din care epoca sunt, dar banuiesc ca e vorba de mijlocul anilor 80, reperele de pe masini fiind foarte similare cu Lastunurile avant-serie. Masina din poza 1 (Lastun cu caroseria lungita) si 9 (buggy) au fost construite in realitate, prima fiind prezentata in 1989, inclusiv in revosta Autoturism. E clar ca ambitia a fost enorma - inclusiv un buggy electric. Realitatea, insa, a fost alta...

A fascinating selection of sketches setting out the development of a series of mini-cars on the basis of the Dacia 500 "Lastun". I am not sure of the exact era, but they seem to be from the mid-80s, the details on the cars being very similar to the pre-production Lastuns. The cars in picture 1 (extended hatchback) and 9 (buggy) were certainly built, the extended Lastun being presented in 1989, including in the Autoturism magazine. It's clear that the ambition was huge - even stretching to an electric buggy. The reality, sadly, was to fall far short...

Hayon lungit / Extended hatchback
Furgoneta / Van
Pick-up normal

Pick-up lungit / Extended pick-up
Hayon supralungit / Super-extended hatchback
Model 1994
Autosasiu furgon / Chassis with van bodywork (a la Renault Express)
Autosasiu cisterna / Chassis with cistern


  1. Scuze ! E ceva off topic, dar poate prezinta interes.
    In pozele de la link-ul asta este si una cu doua masini-
    banuiesc germane


  2. Ford Eifel - deja prezentat! http://volganeagra.blogspot.co.uk/2010/03/constanta-1941.html
    Bune masini, inca sunt cateva exemplare in Romania...

  3. Au fost foarte bune din punct de vedere tehnic.
