An interesting set of family photos: trips to the countryside in 1957 (in the first two photos), 1960 and 1966. The car is a Ford Taunus, bult in Germany at the end of the 1930s. In 1950s Romania any private car was a rarity, even in Bucharest, where this family came from. The front is lightly modified: originality was not considered important and original parts were impossible to find. I doubt the car survived in the family much beyond the last photo: after 1965, the automotive marketplace changed radically and many better-off families were able to buy new, modern cars, the old ones, largely dating from before the war, tending to be scrapped.
frumoasele jegoase (16)
16 hours ago
O masina extrem de buna!
ReplyDeleteSalut Adrian,
ReplyDeleteMai am eu fotografii ale acestui Taunus, in care i se bad si numerele de inmatriculare.
Le scanez si le postez.
Ce frumoasa idee! Multumesc enorm. ma gaseste. Cele bune, Adrian
DeleteAsteptam cu nerabdare imaginile.
ReplyDeleteAm gasit pe ebay-ul nemtesc varianta coupe 1967 la 5000 euro cu 70.000 km, in stare aproape perfecta, suspect de perfecta as putea spune! (filmulet, pentru cei interesati: )
ReplyDeleteAm doua poze cu tipul asta de masina, dar nu stiu cum sa fac sa le postez.!
DeleteDeci multe maşini din anii '30 au început să dispară încă din anii '60?
ReplyDeleteSi mai devreme... multe au fost grav avariate dupa razboi, altele au fost predate la ICM. Dupa 1956-7 a inceput sa se innoieze parcul auto si atunci multe masini uzate s-au dus definitiv.