De pe, o poza cam misterioasa cu un Mercedes W18 290 Cabriolet B din 1935, gasita in spatiul ex-sovietic, posibil in Azerbaijan. Povestea e neclara, dar se spune ca a venit din Romania in 1945 ca trofeu de razboi, ulterior fiind proprietatea unui regizor de filme. Astazi, se afla in stare precara, lipsind motorul, cutia viteze si puntea spate. Speram ca va fi restaurata; e o masina rara, de mare valoare.
Prin toate peripetiile prin care-a trecut, si-a pastrat insigna ACRR (Automobil Club Regal Roman) de pe grila. Aceste piese sunt deosebit de rare: in Romania comunista, asa simbol ale zilelor prospere nu se purta... E aproape incredibil ca asa ceva ar fi supravietuit in alta tara, si in conditii destul de ostile.
From, a mysterious photo of a 1935 Mercedes W18 290 Cabriolet B, found in a former Soviet country, possibly Azerbaijan. Its story is not exactly clear, but it seems to have arrived from Romania in 1945 as a war trophy, before being used by a film director. Today, it's in poor condition, missing its engine, gearbox and rear axle. We hope it will be restored, as it's a valuable and rare vehicle.
Throughout its eventful life, it's managed to keep its ACRR (Royal Romanian Automobile Club) badge, visible on the grille. This badge is very rare indeed: in communist Romania, such symbols of better days were not exactly placed on display. It's astonishing that a small detail like that could have survived in another country, and in pretty hostile conditions.
frumoasele jegoase (16)
12 hours ago
Mercedes vindea 2000 de W18 anual la un moment dat, ma suprinde ca a aparut aceasta piesa si cu insigna ACRR. Unde se afla?
ReplyDeleteO masina extraordinara!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteO masina de colectie.
ReplyDeleteNu vezi asa ceva pe toate drumurile.
ReplyDeleteCu greu se mai gasesc asa masini.