In poza cu Intercontinental se remarca primul model de microbuz TV.
In Timisoara se vede un Polski-Fiat 125p kombi. Modelul nu a fost importat oficial in Romania. Banuiesc ca masina e in tranzit prin tara.
In ultima poza, se vede o autospeciala construita pe baza de Bucegi/Carpati, folosit ca transport turistic mai ales in zonele montane.
De remarcat si curatenia si aerul de civilizatie vizibil in poze...
From my old postcard collection.
In the photograph with the Intercontiental hotel, you can see the first model of TV minibus.
In Timisoara a Polski-Fiat 125p kombi is visible. This model was never offivcially imported in Romania; probably it belongs to a foreign tourist.
in the final photograph you can just about make out an open-top bus, coachbuilt on a Bucegi/Carpati truck platfomr, specially used for transporting tourists in mountainous regions.
Also note the general air of cleanliness and civilisation visible in all the pictures...
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