De remarcat ca Fiatul Topolino negru apare de doua ori... Se vede un Mercedes antebelic in poza din 74. Iar TV-uri din primele serii apar in aproape toate imaginile! Doua din poze (cele in care se vede un Mini alb) par a fi facute in aceeasi zi, in anii 70.
Ten pictures of Piata Sfatului, in Brasov, at various times under Communism, between the mid 60s and 1987. Note the black Fiat 500 Topolino appearing twice, and the pre-war Mercedes convertible in the 1974 photo. Also, very early TVs are pretty much a consistent feature. Two of the pictures (the ones in which you can see a white Mini) seem to have been taken on the same day, in the early 70s.

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