Din pacate constatam ca nu toate masinile prezentate mai exista in tara. Un Wanderer decapotabil de o culoare identica exista in Giurgiu insa nu sunt sigur daca e aceeasi masina. Nash Lafayette 36 albastru 2 B 4068 e disparut. Steyr XVI Tourenwagen, aceeasi masina care apare in filmul Ciuleandra, a disparut din tara dupa revolutie. Plymouth 1938 e posibil se mai existe in stare de epava, in tara inca sunt vreo 10 exemplare. La curte la dl Filipciuc este un exemplar albastru inchis care a ars partial in turnarea unui film: e posibil sa fie cel din poza. Nu imi dau seama ce este tourerul rosu si negru inmatriculat in Sibiu, dar in arhiva autoturismelor antebelice existente in tara nu figureaza. In plus sincer nu imi dau seama ce cauta Morrisul in parada: fiind masina din anii 60, nu e nici foarte vechi si nici exemplar unic in tara, existand mai multe exemplare in perioada comunista, e drept majoritatea in capitala.

From a fabulous picture collection of 1980s Romanian rallies, these rare shots of a pre-war parade before the start of the 1984 Danube Rally.
Sadly not all of the cars still exist. A Wanderer convertible of the same colour still exists in Giurgiu but I am not sure whether the two are one and the same. The 1936 Nash Lafayette (2 B 4068) has now disappeared. The Steyr XVI Tourenwagen also left the country after the revolution: before it was seen regularly at parades and films. As regards the 38 Plymouth the situation is unclear as there are still several such cars existent in Romania. In Bucharest in the collection of Mircea Filipciuc there is one very similar example, the same colour, partially burnt out after a filming accident. I am not sure what the red and black tourer is but no such car appears in the image collection of pre-war cars existent in Romania. Finally I'm not too sure what a Sixties Morris Minor is doing in such a crowd: by the standards of 1984 it was neither very old, nor extremely rare - there were several such cars registered in Romania, mainly in Bucharest.
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