Pana atunci ceva cu iz sovietic: autoturisme ZIS-110 in Romania, 1949. Ocazia a fost o viita a delegatiei poloneza. (De remarcat ca masina nr 1 era un Buick nou nout. A fost o serie importata in acea perioada, din care un exemplar inca supravietuieste in stare proasta cu motor diesel.)
Just come back from a visit to Russia, Latvia and Estonia. I was amazed not by what they ave on the road but by their automotive museums, which I hope to present in due course.
Till then, something typically Soviet - ZIS cars in official use, 1949. The occasion is a visiting Polish delegation. Note tht the first car (just visible in one picture) is a brand-new Buick, from a series imported under the fledgeling Communist administration. One such car still survives, albeit in poor condtition.
Poti sa-mi dai adresa muzeului de transport din Moscova? Urmeaza sa ajung in curand pentru o saptamana acolo si nu as vrea sa-l ratez. Multumesc!
ReplyDeleteAoleu, uitasem complet despre poze!
ReplyDeletePrezentarea muzeului:
cladirea 9
soseaua Ilinskoe km4
Moscova 143420
Ai idee daca se ajunge usor cu metroul?
ReplyDeleteNu cred, muzeul nu e in oras....
ReplyDeleteMai stiti ceva despre Zis-urile din RO unde sunt si in ce stare se afla ?