An unusual image: a 1937 Ford V8, freshly arrived from Egypt, on the streats of a Romanian city, possibly Bucharest althought it's difficult to tell. Probably, we will never know what it was doing in Romania. The driver looks military. Does anyone recognise the place?
De unde stii ca'i venit din Egipt?
ReplyDeletePlacuta de inmatriculare e de-acolo.
ReplyDeletePlacuta este intr'adevar din Egipt. Nu se vede clar, dar pare in mijloc sa fie un A, dela Alexandria. Uniforma aia poate nu e militara, poate fi de ofiter de marina, nu neaparat militara. Poate e vreun marinar care si-a adus masina de acolo.
ReplyDeleteUnde e facuta fotografia, e alta pvoeste, e greu de identificat.