From my reader ricacristea with thanks, a fascinating image from the 70s showing a superb Volga M24 taxi. These were used until 1979 when the fleet became 100% Dacia 1300. What's interesting is that this is an early one, with a "skinny' wing mirror - I've never seen one, or a photo of one, in Romania. This model of Volga, never very widespread in Romania, has become very rare: I doubt there's more than 30 or 40 in the country, of which perhaps 5 or 10 are in working order. To which I hope to add another this autumn, when I plan to finish restoring mine!
Mai ieste si una in judetul SATU MARE in stare de epava dar s-ar putea restaura are majoritatea pieselor originale ESTE DE VANZARE SI PRETUL ESTE EXTREM DE MIC cine ar vrea sa o salveze sa ma contacteje si iau legatura cu proprietarul. 0751023411