The photograph with the Land Rovers is taken at the Land Rover factory in 1971 with the batch of models for official export to Romania. One of this batch still exists, beautifully restored, and is in the Retromobil club. Incidentally this was not the first time Romanian authorities oridered Land Rovers: in the 50s a batch was ordered by the Securitate, and I hope to show you a contemporary photo in which one of these cars appears.

In anii 60 si 70, masinile britanice erau destul de raspandite in Romania, si multe modele interesante au sosit pe melegaurile noastre.
Poza cu Land-Rover-uri e facuta la fabrica LR in Anglia cu lotul de export pentru Romania. Un exemplar din acest lot inca exista, a fost frumos restaurat si face parte din clubul Retromobil. Incidental, nu e prima data cand au fost importate Land-Rover-uri: prin anii 50 Securitatea a mai comandat o serie de masini; cel putin una se gaseste intr-o poza de epoca, pe care o voi prezenta in curand.
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