12 May 2016

Prin Ardeal in anii 70 / Through Transylvania in the 1970s

Dintr-o arhiva elvetiana, opt poze din Ardeal surprise la inceputul anilor 70 - probabil in jurul anului 1973. Curatenie, civilizatie, prosperitate.

Masinile sunt in mare proportie occidentale - multe ale turistilor, altele trimise de rude de peste hotare. Ford Taunus si VW broscuta ies in evidenta, pe langa Opel Rekord si VW Variant. Observam si o Simca 1300 (masina destul de des intalnita in anii 70), ce pare a fi o Alfa Romeo Giulia 1300, un DKW F102, si un Vauxhall Viva. Poza nr 7 e remarcabila: in afara de camionul SR, nimic nu provine din cortina de fier. Pana si autoremorca e un Fiat, de un tip folosit in acea epoca si in Cluj (poza 9).

From a Swiss archive, eight photos form Transylvania at the beginning of the 1970s - probably around 1973. Cleanliness, civilisation, prosperity.

Many of the cars are Western; some would have belonged to tourists while others would have been sent by relatives from overseas. The Ford Taunus and VW Beetle are common sights, alongside the Opel Rekord and VW Variant. There's also a Simca 1300 (quite frequent in 70s Romania), what looks like an Alfa Romeo Giulia 1300, a DKW F102, and a Vauxhall Viva. Photo number 7 is remarkable: except for the SR truck, everything else is Western. Even the recovery truck is a Fiat, of a type also used in Cluj at the time (photo 9).






Tg Mures

La tara


  1. Da,masina verde inchis din spatele TV-ului pare ca este o Alfa Romeo Giulia 1300. O masina italiana eleganta inconjurata de masini germane.

  2. As fi fost incantat sa traiesc vremurile acelea minunate.
