Un document rar: o chitanta din 1936 pentru vanzarea unei masini marca "Vipet", la suma de 6,000 lei. "Vipet" e de fapt "Whippet", marca apartinand firmei americane Willys-Overland. Autoturismele Whippet au fost produse intre 1926 si 1931. Numarul de motor ne spune ca e vorba de un model Whippet 96A, din 1929. E de fapt o greseala in chitanta, motorul fiind nu de 10, ci de 40, cai putere, propulsand masina pana la 96/km/h. Un exemplar model 96 din 1928, din Cernauti, se afla in poza 2. Un 96A din 1929 e in poza 3.
Remarcam pretul extrem de ieftin, ceea ce insemna ca un invatator de la tara isi putea permite o masina, chiar una veche. In 1936, un Fiat 500 nou costa 95,000 lei; un Opel Olympia era 125,000 lei; iar un Chrysler incepea la 185,000 lei. Tot in 1936, 1 dolar american era 136 lei. Salariile medii lunare erau aproximativ 2,000 lei - crescand la 10,000 lei pentru un medic si peste 30,000 lei pentru un ministru.
A rare document: a receipt from 1936 for the sale of a "Vipet" automobile, for 6,000 lei. "Vipet" is actually "Whippet", a subsidiary brand of the US firm Willys-Overland, produved between 1926 and 1031. The engine number indicates this is a Whippet 96A from 1929. There is one type - the horsepower was not 10hp but 4ph, taking the Whippet up to a top speed of 60mph. A model 96 from 1928, registered in Cernauti, is in photo 2. Photo 3 shows a 96A from 1929.
Notable is the extremely cheap price, enabling a primary school teacher from the coutnryside to get a car - albeit an old one. By comparison, in 1936 a new Fiat 500 cost 95,000 lei. An Opel Olympia was 125,000, and a new Chrysler started at 185,000. One US dollar exchanged for 136 lei. The average monthly salary was around 2,000 lei, rising to 10,000 for a doctor and over 30,000 for a Government minister.