Nu, nu e vorba de evenimentele organizate de Retromobil, ci de celebra parada Bucuresti-Sinaia organizata de ACR in anii 80 si la inceputul anilor 90.
Masinile sunt: Citroen C6, inca existent in Bucuresti; celebrul Cadillac 1936 care a fost expus la salonul din Paris; un Fiat 1500; si un Morris Minor detinut de printul Mihai in anii 30, astazi in curs de restaurare. Cadillacul a parasit tara pentru Germania dupa turnarea filmului ""Oglinda" in 1993, iar Morris-ul poarta numere emise in septembrie 1988. Deci desi articolul e nedatat putem spune ca e vorba de perioada 1988-93. Sunt sigur ca cititorii fideli au amanunte in plus...
No, not the Retromobil-run events of today, but the famous Bucharest-Sinaia parade organised by the Romanian Automobile Club in the 1980s and early 1990s.
The cars are: Citroen C6, still in Bucharest; the famous 1936 Cadillac, star of that year's Paris motor show; a Fiat 1500; and the Morris Minor owned by Prince Michael in the 1930s, currently being restored. The Cadillac left Romania for Germany after being used in the 1993 film "The Mirror", and the plates on the Morris were issued in September 1988. So though the article is undated, we can be reasonably sure that it's from 1988-93. And I am sure that faithful readers can be even more precise...
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