Ceva foarte, foarte rar dintr-o perioada aproape uitata. In 1948 inca era ceva viata in Bucuresti, capitala se reconstruia, se importau masini din occident, veneau straini, opera, teatrul si restaurantele erau, poate nu stralucite dar cel putin pline. UIn mai putin de un an, totul urma sa se schimbe,...
Anglocar a fost un dealer de masini englezesti care, printre altele, a adus Jaguarele casei regale in tara. Ernest Dawyl, proprietarul firmei, a avut o viata fascinanta. In 1949 a fost acuzat de spionaj, arestat, proprietatile confiscate; iar dupa o perioada lunga de puscarie, a fost eliberat in 1958, cand a plecat catre Londra. Deci nu numai o imagine rara, ci una trista...
De remarcat placutele diplomatice specifice perioadei.
Something very rare from an almost forgotten period. In 1948, Bucharest was rebuilding itself and trying to restore something of the fun of pre-war life; cars were being imported; foreigners were visiting; the theatre, opera and restaurants were full if not sparkling. All of which would change in less than a year...Anglocar was a dealer of English cars which, among others, bought the royal family's Jaguars to Romania. Ernest Dawyl, the owner, had a fascinating life. In 1949 he was arrested on counts of espionage, his property confiscated, and imprisoned. Released in 1958, he returned to the UK. So not only a rare photo, but rather a sad one...
Note the diplomatic plates specific to the period.