Cartile foto aratand orase in Romania au fost extrem de rapsandite in perioada 1957- 75, si multe din imaginile surprinse de marii fotografi ai vremii sunt destul de bine cunoscute. O raritate, totusi, e aceasta carte, aratand Craiova in 1987. Imagini "oficiale" din anii 80 sunt putine. Imaginile arata un oras pustiu, lipsit de viata: daca nu ar fi edificiile splendide din perioda antebelica, am fi putut fi la Pyongyang... Nici masinile nu sunt prea interesante. Dacii peste tot - din care remarcam o Dacie Sport galbena si cateva modele canadience; cateva Oltcituri, produse local; un Wartburg 353; un Fiat 124 Coupe; si un Citroen 2CV... Ani grei.
Photo books showing Romanian towns and cities were very common from around 1957 to around 1975, and many of the images, taken by the major Romanian photographers of the era, are well known. This book, however, is a rarity - it was published in 1987 and shows the city of Craiova. "Official" images from the 1980s are few and far between. These show a fairly empty and desolate city; if it weren't for the superb pre-war buildings, it could almost be Pyongyang... The cars are relatively mundane too: Dacias everywhere, including a yellow Sport and a couple of Canadian export models; a few Oltcits produced locally; a Wartburg 353; a Fiat 124 Coupe; and a Citroen 2CV ... Hard times.
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