Dupa 13 ani intr-o sura in Irlanda de Nord, acest exemplar - crezut extinct - vede din nou lumina zilei...
Dacia Denem e Dacia 1310 pentru piata britania. Desi un mare esec, a fost vandut in mai multe variante: model de baza, L, GL, si GLX - ultima variant avand radiocasetofon, jante aliaj si geamuri electrice (!). A fost vanduta sub lozinca "The Very Acceptable Dacia Denem", in acest caz "foarte acceptabil" nu traducandu-se prea elegant. Modelul in imagini e Denem Base.
Ca punct de interes, primele cateva exemplare importate aveau "1310" pe spate!
Cateva chestii de interes:
- bordul are imitatie de lemn sila modelul de baza
- oglinda retrovizoara lispeste
- roata spate e din alt peisaj
- dungile pe caroserie nu se regasesc la modele romanesti
- insigniile "Dacia" si "Denem" sunt complet originale.
Masina intra in colectia unui pasionat care deja are Dacia Shifterossa (poza 10), Dacia Sport, si unicul ARO 24 care supravietuieste in Anglia. Si nu, nu e roman...
After thirteen years in a shed in Northern Ireland, this example - long believed extinct - sees daylight once more...
The Dacia Denem was a Dacia 1310 for the British market. Although a failure in terms of sales, it was offered in several variations: base model, L, GL and GLX - the latter having a radio-cassette player, alloy wheels and electric front windows (!). Notoriously, it was sold as "The Very Acceptable Dacia Denem", in this case "very acceptable" being a mistranslation from the Romanian, where the same phrase means "extremely good value". This particular example is a base model.
A few unusual aspects:
- even the base model has a fake wood dash
- the rear view mirror is missing
- the rear wheel is different
- the pinstripes were never seen on Romanian models
- the Dacia and Denem emblems are unique to the UK market.
The car is in an enthusiast's private collection, alongside a Dacia Shifterossa, Dacia Sport, the last ARO 24 in England, and others. And no, the owner's not Romanian....