Am aflat cu bucurie ca inca exista destule autospeciale pentru pompieri in tara, unele de-a dreptul interesante. La Recas e un Ford AA; se spune ca exista pe undeva si un Henschel din anii 40; au supravietuit si doua camioane Praga de la inceputul anilor 50, si o pereche de SR-101 cu cabina originala, pe langa destule exemplare pe sasiu de SR-101. Cel mai vechi totusi se afla la Lipova, jud Arad - e vorba despre un Chevrolet din 1927. Articulul spune totul! E fantastic ca asa ceva a fost pastrat atati ani.
I recently was pleased to find out there are still a fair few old fire trucks in Romania, some of which are rather interesting. There is a Ford AA at Recas, and, rumour has it, a 40s Henschel somewhere else in the country; two early 1950s Pragas stil survive, and two SR-101 modesl exist with the original bodywork, as well as a few other ones on a SR-101 chassis. The oldst, however, is in Lipova, Arad, and it's this 1927 Chevrolet. Details in the article! Wonderful that it has survived all these years.
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