Un set de poze de familie foarte interesante: la iarba verde in 1957 (primele doua poze), 1960, si 1966. Masina e un Ford Taunus construit in Germania la sfarsitul anilor 30. In Romania anilor 50, orice masina particulara era o raritate, chiar in Bucuresti, de unde veneau personajele din imagini. Remarcam modificarile la partea din fata - originalitatea nu era foarte importanta in acea perioada, iar reteaua de piese era aproape inexistenta. Presupun ca masina nu a supravietuit in familie mult dupa ultima poza: dupa 1965, piata auto s-a schimbat radical si foarte multe familii mai instarite au inceput sa-si cumpere masini noi, moderne, cele vechi (marea majoritate din perioada interbelica) fiind de obicei casate.
An interesting set of family photos: trips to the countryside in 1957 (in the first two photos), 1960 and 1966. The car is a Ford Taunus, bult in Germany at the end of the 1930s. In 1950s Romania any private car was a rarity, even in Bucharest, where this family came from. The front is lightly modified: originality was not considered important and original parts were impossible to find. I doubt the car survived in the family much beyond the last photo: after 1965, the automotive marketplace changed radically and many better-off families were able to buy new, modern cars, the old ones, largely dating from before the war, tending to be scrapped.