Astazi, un exemplar identic, foarte posibil chiar masina din poza, se gaseste in paragina in Mioveni. Fara discutie masina a avut o viata grea dar interesanta. Ma intreb cate alte bijuterii zac in parcari provinciale...
In Ceausescu's motorcade in the 1960s, there were several types of cars. Of course, there was the Dear Leader's own vehicle, either a 1950 Cadillac convertible or his famous Mercedes 600 Pullman landaulette, to be used on the most auspicious occasions. Then there were either black Volgas or black Mercedes 220s, or, more rarely, the odd black Opel Admiral, militia VW Beetles or Jaguar 420s, or even the odd Soviet ZIL or Chaika limousine, though not often given the official policy of de-Russification. And in one of the photos published online by the centre for investigating Commmunism in Romania, we can see a 1959 Buick Electra. It was probably brought new for very a high official, American cars being very fashionable among the Fifties Communist elite. (Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej's private car was a Cadillac.) It must have caused quite a stir on the streets of Bucharest.
Now, an identical model, perhaps even the same car, languishes in a parking lot in Mioveni. It bears the scars of a hard life in Romania, but it must have some fascinating stories to tell. I wonder how many similar jewels lie unloved in provincial side streets...

Atat Buick-ul de fata cat si Cadillac-ul decapotabil sunt model 1960.Modelul Jaguar era X-type, 420-ul fiind mai mare si mai luxos.
ReplyDeletenu e de vanzare acest exemplar e mare pacat ca asta in paragina acolo
ReplyDeletece mai stie ceva de ea? era de vanzare anu trecut sau acum 2 ani daca nu ma insel cu 9.000 e in Campulung Muscel
ReplyDeleteFelicitari pentru aceste pagini !
ReplyDeleteBuick-ul apare in foto:
de pe site-ul:
Un articol din 2003:,+scoasa+la+vanzare+in+Pitesti
ReplyDeleteMai exista masina asta ??