In 1905 existau aproximativ o suta de masini pe teritoriul Romaniei, vasta majoritate in capitala. Lista proprietarilor era publicata lunar in revista Automobila. Si asa aflam ca aceasta masina, de marca necunoscuta dar posibil de origine franceza, era 99% masina detinuta de ziarul Universul, cea de-a 71-a inscrisa in tara, circuland sub numarul simplu de "71".
PS Lista ne arata inca cateva chestii interesante. Pe nr 49 e inscrisa prima femeie, Ecaterina Singuroff, rentiera. Iar masina nr 133 apartinea unui petrolist din Campina ... Lewis Hamilton.
One of the oldst pictures to show a car in Romania, this photograph was taken in 1905 and shows the headquarters of the Romanian newspaper Universul (Truth). It was recently published on another blog, the excellent Old Bucharest [Romanian-langugage] but I thought it needed sharing...
In 1905 there were approximately 100 cars in Romania, the vast majority in Bucharest. Lists of owners were published monthly in the Automobilul magazine. Having looked at the archives, it looks to be 99% certain that this particular car, of unknown make though possibly French, was that owned by the Universul newspaper. The 71st car to be registered in Romania, its license plates said, quite simply, "71".
PS The list shows us several interesting things. First of all, at number 49 comes the first woman to own a car, Ecaterina Singuroff, landowner. Second, vehicle number 1933 was owned by a petrol speculator in Campina ... a certain Lewis Hamilton!
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