In 1975 si 1979, fabrica ARO a incercat sa exporteze ARO 24 in Anglia. A esuat, si masinile nu au rezistat foarte mult. Pana recent se credea ca nu mai exista niciun supravietuitor ... pana exemplarul de fata, care a stat intr-o sura din 1988, fost salvata de jurnalistul Sam Glover, care are o colectie impresionanta de masini, inclusiv un Tatraplan din anii 40, si singura Dacie Sport din Anglia... Il felicitam!
Acest ARO, care va fi complet restaurat, e aproape sigur unicat in lume. O poza cu un ARO englezesc in anii de glorie se gaseste mai jos. Aceasta saraca masina a supravietuit numai trei ani si jumatate...

In 1975 and 1979, ATO tried to sell its 24 model on the UK market. Both attempts failed and the cars disappeared from British roads very quickly. Until recently it had been thought all examples had vanished in the mists of time - until this remarkably original survivor turned up in a barn, where it had been since 1988. It has since been rescued by journalist Sam Glover, owner of an impressive fleet of cars with an Eastern European flavour, including a Tatraplan and a Dacia Sport. Congratulations!
This ARO is almost definitely unique. Another British example, in its glory days, is also pictured. This particular one only managed to survive three and a half years...