O poza extrem de rara aratand un dealer Dacia in 1991. Sau, sa precizam un pic, ce fusese un dealer Dacia pana recend, dar se inchisese. Ultima Dacie (un Duster - de fapt, un ARO 10) s-a vandut in Anglia in 1993, iar ultimul exemplar derivat din 1310, un pikc-up, in 1990. Cateva (peste cinci) mii de Dacii fusesera vandute, dar rar au supravietuit peste zece ani; unele erau date la fier vechi la varsta de numai doi sau trei ani. Astazi, numai trei exemplare Duster inca mai circula. Ultimul pick-up (vandut sub numele de Shifter) a supravietuit pana in 2010, iar ultimul exemplar Dacia Denem (un 1310) nu a circulat dupa 2005. (Penultimul se dusese deja in 2000.)
De obicei, dealerii Dacia vanzau si alte marci de masini, in mod special Lada, Yugo, si Hyundai, dar in cel putin un caz autohtonele Reliant cu trei roti! Clar, erau destinate familiilor cu ptuini bani dar cu pretentii de masina noua. Din pacate, primele reclame nu au luat asta in consideratie, si asa una din ele arata o vila spatioasa cu Jaguar XJS si Dacie in fata, cu toti copiii familiei fugind spre Dacie!
Totusi put sa spun ca povestea Daciei in Anglia nu e terminata. In 2012 se va comercializa noul Duster. Anul trecut s-a importat, particular, o Dacie Sport, un 1307 zambetul lui Iliescu circula si azi pe sosele, tot ca import particular, iar exista sanse ca cel putin un Denem sa fie restaurat si repus pe sosele. Nu e mult, dar cel putin va asigura ca acest capitol a istoriei auto romanesti sa nu fie uitat.
A very rare photo taken in England in 1991, showing a recently shut down Dacia dealership. The last Dacia - a Duster, so really an ARO 10 - was sold in 1993; the last 1310-derived model, a Shifter pick-up, in 1990. Over five thousand Dacias were sold, but rates of survival were appalling. Very few made it past ten years and many were scrapped after just two or three years off use. Today, miraculously, three Dusters remain on the road. The last Shifter was taxed in 2010, the last Denem in 2005, and the previous Denem in 2000.
Dacia dealers normally sold other makes too - Lada, Yugo, and Hyundai, and in one case also the Reliant range of three-wheelers. It was a fairly clear-defined market segment, for families who wanted a new car but did not have much money to spend. In retrospect, the 1982 Denem ad showing a smart detached house with a Dacia and a Jaguar XJS (with all the children gravitating towards the Dacia) probably wasn't the best market placement.
However, Dacia's story in England isn't quite over. From 2012 we can look forward to the latest Duster. Last year a Dacia Sport was privately imported, and a late-model 1307 pick-up is already driving around the UK, also a private import. In addition, there's a reasonable chance that at least one Dacia Denem, still surviving though not on the road, will get restored. It won't be much, but at least it will ensure that this chapter of Dacia's history won't get completely forgotten.
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13 hours ago