Dintr-un ghid turistic publicat in 1961, niste poze deosebit de interesante. Highlighturile mere:
1) fotograful a reusit sa surprinda doua masini Tatraplan - numai 14 au fost importate oficial, deci foarte posibil sa fi capturat 14% din Tatraplanele din Romania!
2) Mercedes Ponton folosit ca taximetru, pe langa Volgile cunoscute
3) Gama de comuniste: ZIM, Volga si Moskvich, la sediul Tarom
4) Americanca pe langa sediul romana-sovietic, amintindu-ne ca in anii 50 si masini americane erau folosite de elita comunista
5) Citroenul vizibil la ministerul invatamantului - o masina care fara discutie facea furori in 1961
6) Skoditele furgoneta model 1102, importate incepand cu anii 50 si o prezenta semnificativa pe strazile capitalei in acel deceniu, din pcate extincte in Romania
7) Skoda antebelica la un eveniment studentesc, probabil unui foarte norocos student - pe atunci era incredibil ca un student sa aiba masina, chiar una mica si veche!
From a tourist guide published in 1961, several interesting photographs. My highlights:
1) The photographer managed to catch two Tatraplans - out of just 14 imported into Romania, that's no mean achievement!
2) Mercedes Ponton used as a taxi alongside the customary Volgas
3) At the TAROM HQ, the line-up of Soviet cars: Moskvich, Volga and ZIM
4) The American car next to the Romano-Soviet "building of friendship", a reminder that the Romanian communist elite of those days was an enormous fan of American automobiles
5) The Citroen next to the Ministry of Education - which must have caused a major stir in Communist Bucharest
6) The presence of little Skoda 1102 estate cars, officially imported in the early 50s and a familiar sight on Nucharest streets of that decade, now sadly extinct
7) The pre-war Skoda at a students' event. Back in 1961 it wwas almost unthinkable for a student to own such a car, even if it was a small and slighty battered pre-war one.
nu așa 68
12 hours ago