O imagine fantastica: TIB 1981.
Vedem: Oltcituri din prima serie, plus o intreaga gama de Dacii, inclusiv cateva modele inedite: Dacia 1610 Break cu 80 CP, Dacia 1410 in doua variante, una pentru taximetrie, cealalta cu cinci trepte, si - pentru prima oara - Dacia 1304 pick-up. Ultima dezvaluie misterul unei Dacii 1304 din 1981 descoperita recent in judetul Timis: da, e autentica, deci inseamna ca chiar se constriau in acel an, cu un an mai devreme decat spuneau cartile... Si asa, mai dezvaluim o bucatica de istorie...
Foto via Andrei Birsan
A fantastic image: Bucharest's International Trade Fair, 1981.
On show are some of the very first Oltcits, plus a whole line up of Dacias, including some very special ones: the Dacia 1610 estate, with 80 bhp; the Dacia 1410 in two variants, one designed for taxi use, the other with a 5-speed gearbox; and - for the first time - the brand new 1304 pick-up. That clears up the mystery of a genuine 1981 1304 discovered recently in the west of Romania: yes, they were making them in 1981, at least a year earlier than the history books say. So, through pictures, we uncover a bit more history...
Photograph via Andrei Birsan
din zbor (525-1)
1 day ago