Recent pe eBay s-a licitat o medalie pentru Cupa Carpatilor, eveniment desfasurat la Sinaia in 1935.
Bogdan Coconoiu a mai scris despre acest eveniment si a prezentat programul. Din pacate, desi am licitat, am ratat ocazia: se pare ca erau mai multi pasionati si sper ca a ajuns in mana unui alt iubitor de istoria auto din Romania. Oricum, pozele raman. De remarcat ca masina e identica cu cea din brosura. E greu de spus ce marca ar fi, dar parerea me e ca seamana destul de mult cu un Lincoln 1933 sau 1934, o masina care iesise in evidenta in concursul de eleganta Sinaia din 1934.
Recently, eBay auctioned a medal for the Carpathia Trophy, which took place in Sinaia in 1935.
Bogdan Coconoiu has already written about this event and presented the brochure. Unfortunately I was outbid in the last seconds; clearly there were other people keen to have it, and I hope it was bought by another fan of Romanian motoring history. We still have the photos, however. Interestinly the car is the same as the one on the brochure. It's perhaps useless to speculate as to the make, but I think it looks pretty similar to a 1933 or 1934 Lincoln - one of which was a star at the previous year's Concours d'Elegance.