Un document absolut exceptional aratand gama de masini de inchiriat in 1968 - de la Broscuta la Mercedes. Ulterior, s-au folosit Hillman, Citroen Ami, Dacia 1300, si Oltcit. (In 1978 a fost un proces destul de bine cunoscut : o familie americana a venit in vizita crezand ca vor inchiria un Renault 12, cum scria pe brosura. Au primit o Dacie defecta ; nemultumiti, au fugit la tribunal ... si au castigat.)
In plus, numarul de inmatriculare pe Broscuta dovedeste un fapt putin cunoscut - numerele nu au inceput de la 101, ci de la 100.

A wonderful an rare document showing the range of cars available for rent in 1968 Romania - from the VW Beetle to a rather large Mercedes. Later on, Hillmans, Citroen Amis, Dacias and Oltcits were to be used. (In 1978 there was a rather well-known trial - an American family arrived, thinking they were going to get a Renault 12 as promised. They instead got a faulty Dacia, sued the state - and won.)
Incidentally, the number plate on the Beetle proves something little-known - Romanian communist plates started at 100 and not at 101.