25 January 2015

Despre Dacia 1303 - About the Dacia 1303

De mult ma intrebam de ce se trecuse direct de la Dacia 1302 la Dacia 1304...

Prin 2009, am fost socat sa deschid o carte despre Dacia scrisa in 1981 si sa vad planuri cu camioneta Dacia 1303, precum si prezentarea ei. Arata destul de mult ca Dacia 1302 seria 3 - singurele diferente fiind scrisul "Dacia" pe spate (utilizata si pe modelele 1304), bara fata cu semnalizari inegrate, si stopuri dreptunghiulare, nu rotunde.

In plus, se parea ca masina asta a existat in cel putin un exemplar - ba chiar existand scrisul "1303" de pe spate, cum se vede in pozele 2 si 3.

Pe forumul aro4x4.net, userul costy84 ne-a servit cu o poza de-a drept importanta: Dacia 1303 expusa la EREN 79. Atractia mare era Brasovia, plus Daciile 1310 modernizate - deci s-a cam uitat de Dacia 1303, mult mai putin interesanta. Pana acum!

I had long wondered why the Dacia `1302 was replaced by the Dacia 1304 and not a Dacia 1303...

In around 2009, I was astonished to find, in a book written in 1981, blueprints and the description of a Dacia 1303. It looked a lot like a series 3 Dacia 1302 - the only differences being the large "Dacia" on the boot (as seen on the 1304), the front bumper with integrated indicators, and the rectangular, not round, tail lights.

And it seemed that at least one had actually been made - with the "1303" script surviving.

On the Aro4x4 forum, the user costy84 dug up an important photo: the Dacia 1303 at the EREN trade fair in 1979. The big attraction there was of course the Brasovia and the restyled 1310 series - so the poor old Dacia 1303 was forgotten. Until now!


12 January 2015

Merecedes 220 Cabriolet in Romania

Flota de Mercedes 220S folosita de stat pentru coloane oficiale in anii 60 e arhicunoscuta din fotografiile document cu Ceausescu si diversi lideri straini in vizita. Putini stiu, totusi, ca in flota oficiala au existat si decapotabile. Aceste masini erau folosite in mod special pentru filmari, inlocuind vechile ZIS-101 care dupa 1966 nu mai apar in imagini oficiale. Poza 1 surprinde un exemplar de acest Mercedes in perioada 1966-68.

Poza 2, din 1967, arata un alt model. Dupa culoare, nu e din flota oficiala. Totusi, cum povesteste Serghei Niculescu-Mizil, "În primii ani ai lui Ceaușescu puteai să faci rost de orice. Am avut Mercedes 220 decapotabil, ca James Bond, un Jaguar... alții aveau BMW sau Jeep. Erau doar în uzul nostru, proprietatea statului.". Deci sau era in trecere, sau era masina folosita de vreun personaj foarte, foarte important in acea perioada. Ca o berlina luxoasa se mai trecea cu ochiul, dar o decapotabila ... mai greu.

The fleet of Mercedes 220S used by the state for motorcades in the 60s is well known, thanks to the rich image archive existing of Ceausescu greeting assorted world leaders. Few know, however, that the official fleet also included the cabriolet version. These were used specially for filming, replacing the antiquated ZIS-101 which, after 1966, can't be found on any official pictures. Photo 1, taken between 1966 and 1968, shows one such Mercedes.

Photo 2, taken in 1967, shows another. From the colour, it's not an official one. However, as Serghei Niculescu-Mizil relates, "In the early Ceausescu years you could get anything. I had a convertible Mercedes 220, a Jaguar, like James Bond... others had BMWs or Jeeps... They were owned by the state for our exclusive use". So it was either passing through Romania, or the transportation of someone very important indeed - because although you could (just about) get away with a luxurious saloon, a convertible was something different...



3 January 2015

La Multi Ani! / Happy New Year!

Si in anul 2015, o sa incerc sa postez ceva mai mult... Pana atunci, trei imagini de iarna din perioada 1981-82. Sursa: Autoturism And in 2015, I will try to post more often... Till then, three winter images from 1981-82. Source: Autoturism