Recent am descoperit blogul Cuban Classics. Merita din deplin! Despre masinile din anii 50 care inca circula in Cuba, cu foarte multe informatii despre fiecare model. Ca fapt divers, ARO-ul autohton e destul de comun pe strazile cubane. Situatia auto in Cuba poate fi comparata cu cea din Romania (sau alte tari comuniste) prin 1965, cand modele antebelice din fostul regim, multe din ele rare sau luxoase (si multe modificate din caiza lipsei de piese), circulau cot in cot cu masini mai moderne comuniste si primul val de automobile importate din Vest.
I recently discovered the blog Cuban Classics. Defintiely worth a look! About the Fifties cars which still drive around on the streets in Cuba, with heaps of info about each model. Incidentally, the Romanian ARO is still a relatively common sight in Cuba. The automobile situation there is perhaps comparable to that of Romania (or indeed other Eastern Bloc countries) in around 1965, where prewar models from the old regime, many of them rare and luxurious (and often badly modified due to lack of parts), rubbed flanks with more modern Communist cars and the first wave of vehicles imported from the West.
Semne bune 199
7 hours ago
ReplyDeleteam ceva poze cu masini romanesti in cuba, fotografiate cam acum 1 an. cum ti le trimit? am mai fotografiat dacii, aro si ims si prin columbia, mexic, argentina. cateva sunt postate aici , restul ti le pot trimite pe email.
ReplyDeleteOho, chiar mi-ar placea sa vad restul pozelor - ARO-ul e foarte tare. Multumesc! A
ReplyDeleteExtraordinar blogul recomandat.
ReplyDeleteFoarte bune informatiile.
ReplyDeleteInformatii bune.